Saturday, September 29, 2018

Vietnamese visa for Ukrainian

By visa  |  September 29, 2018

There are two common ways to apply for a Ukrainian visa for a Ukrainian person, either applying for a visa directly at the Vietnamese Embassy, ​​or applying for a visa at a Vietnamese airport.

Apply for visa at the Embassy of Vietnam

Vietnamese Embassy in Ukraine:
Address: Tovarna, 51A, Kiev 01103
Phone: + 380-44-2845739
Fax: + 380-44-2845542
- Local time vs. Vietnam time: Summer: -4h; Winter: -5h.

Apply for a visa at the airport

If you do not have the conditions to go to the Embassy, ​​you can apply for a visa online and apply for a visa at the Vietnam airport. First, you only need to apply for a visa approval letter, which will help you to check-in, then when you arrive at the airport in Vietnam, you write to get your visa stamp and carpentry. his passport.

Application process:
- Fill the form at
- Payment of service fee.
- Receive visa approval letter by email within 01 - 02 working days. In case you want to receive your approval letter sooner, you can use our emergency service.
- Printed letter of approval + 2 photo cards + NA1 form (attached with letter) + stamp fee for receiving visa at Vietnam airport.

Author: visa